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Episode 7 - A Piece of Heaven E-mail

Episode 7 - A Piece of Heaven
Our hero might just get a break after all. A bad landing lands him among idylic meadows, a peaceful waterfall? and there?s even some company..for a bit?

Bridge to Avalon
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Main Dead Guy: Michael Steel
Proprietor: Ian Carslen
Concerned Citizen: Laura Carlsen
Doubtful Salmon: Corinne Friesen
Slegnas: Laura Carlsen, Michael Steel, Corinne Friesen
Featured Music: Prelude in C Minor and Waiting for a Moment that Never Arrives by Loren DiGiorgi. These two pieces are interwoven for our episode, with considerable liberty taken over using them in clips. If you want to hear each work in all its glorly, click on its title.
But It On
Our amazingly high quality, rule breakin' 2 CD set of the journey toward tea, now available on
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