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Episode 8 - The Sad Fate of Aunt Mabel E-mail

Episode 8 - The Sad Fate of Aunt Mabel
Better be careful what you wish for - you might not get it. Our hero is offered not just one cup of tea, but a wide variety of choices. What could possiblygo wrong now? Well, for starters, we meet (whisper this in your head as you read this) ? Aunt Mabel.

?Aunt MabelMain Dead Guy: Michael Steel
Proprietor: Ian Carslen
Concerned Citizen: Laura Carlsen
Doubtful Salmon: Corinne Friesen
Slegnas: Laura Carlsen, Michael Steel, Corinne Friesen
Featured Music: Prelude in C Minor and Waiting for a Moment that Never Arrives by Loren DiGiorgi. These two pieces are interwoven for our episode, with considerable liberty taken over using them in clips. If you want to hear each work in all its glorly, click on its title.
But It On
Hear ever tea cup clink, audio CDs of this journey through the afterlife.
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